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Ethics/Policies, Natural Rearing, Nutrition, and Frequently Asked Questions... Answered.

Puppies are sold:

8 weeks of age...

Primo vaccinated - CHPPiL + Kennel Cough
( CHPPiL includes Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenzavirus, and Leptospirosis )
1-year Kennel Cough (nasal application)
Dewormed every 2 weeks since birth via:
Dronstop at week 2 & 4, Procox at week 6, and Panacur C at 8 weeks

Passport, Veterinary Health Certificate, Sales Contract
Guaranteed against congenital & genetic defects
FCI Export Pedigree (French LOF) issued & ISO Microchip registered in the name of the new owner

At 12 weeks of age...

Primo vaccination recall - CHPPiL4 + Rabies
( CHPPiL4 includes prevention for the four types of Leptospirosis )
1-year Rabies Vaccination
Final complete deworming using Veloxa or Milbemax (solid form)
All of the above applied to the Passport with the Clinical Exam completed
Second updated Health Certificate

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